Private Division and Intercept Games are proud to announce that Kerbal Space Program 2 is now available for PC Early Access via Steam, the Epic Games Store, the Private Division Store and other digital retail platforms starting at $49 €.99. . Kerbal Space Program 2the sequel to the original rocket simulation game that sold over 5 million copies worldwide, ushers in a new generation of space adventures by allowing players to create their own space program, complete with hundreds of new parts and improvements, an updated onboarding experience, more modern graphics, dynamic and realistic environments with an unprecedented level of detail, customizable color palettes for ships and much more. Kerbal Space Program 2 it has been thoroughly redesigned and will continue to grow in the years to come.

Kerbal Space Program 2 offers virtually endless possibilities when it comes to building the vehicles. This sequel features over 350 original and upgraded parts, including procedural wings, new control pods, engines, wheels, cargo components, and the first of many advanced fuel types: liquid hydrogen. Additionally, the game features a new room size category, which will pave the way for future interstellar rooms in upcoming expansions. Players will also be able to use a new tool to paint parts and customize their creations to give them a distinctive touch.

“We are delighted to be able to launch Kerbal Space Program 2 in Early Access,” says Nate Simpson, Creative Director at Intercept Games. “After developing a game of unprecedented technical complexity, we can’t wait to see what creative prowess our community will finally give us. We look forward to hearing your first-hand feedback as we enter the collaborative phase of development. via early access.”

This long-awaited sequel welcomes a new generation of space explorers with interactive, animated tutorials that teach the basics of space engineering in an immersive and entertaining way. Additionally, players will enjoy many other improvements, including a completely redesigned interface, more accessible tools for vehicle assembly, and new iconography for the map view that presents trajectory data with unprecedented clarity.

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Now, Time Acceleration also offers players the ability to redefine interplanetary flight, including the acceleration of long burns. Time-acceleration controls also allow you to interact with vehicle systems even when paused, giving players more flexibility to issue commands after downtime; These last-minute tweaks will prove invaluable when the landings get tough and you’re about to let go!

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And if that wasn’t enough, Kerbal Space Program 2 delivers an immersive visual and sound experience that features big improvements. Beloved celestial bodies from the first game have been revamped with a new terrain system that allows for an unprecedented level of detail and variety. Proof of this is the kerbolar system which is now full of new points of interest to explore. To complete player immersion we have sound, with effects pulled straight from real take-offs and a soundtrack that changes dynamically depending on the circumstances of the flight.

“Con Kerbal Space Program 2we’ve laid the foundation for something bigger that we’ll build on over the years,” says Michael Cook, Private Division Franchise Director for Kerbal Space Program 2. “Early Access is just the start of our journey. We will continue to release major content updates until the release of version 1.0.”

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After the early access release of Kerbal Space Program 2, Intercept Games will be integrating several innovative features over the coming months. Some of these future features are:

  • Next generation technology: Players will be able to unlock future technologies that will allow them to build on a larger scale and use new fuels and propulsion systems. These abilities will allow players to go beyond the confines of the original Kerbolar system and into uncharted star systems.
  • Settlements: One of the most requested and anticipated features of the suite. Players will be able to locate and mine valuable resources, then use those materials to build custom bases on distant celestial bodies or in deep space. Colonies are not only physically difficult to build, but also a necessary step to continue exploring deep space and beyond.
  • Interstellar travel: KSP2 will challenge players with interstellar navigation. They must cross the abyss of interstellar space aboard fusion megaships that reach incredible speeds. Upon arrival in new star systems, they will be able to deploy landers and rovers to explore planets to be discovered.
  • multiplayer: Players will be able to cooperate or compete with friends to explore space together or reach historic milestones in their personal space career. The multiplayer mode allows adventurers and the most ambitious to enjoy unlimited experiences, as well as “unexpected” vehicle collisions.
  • Amendment:Kerbal fans are eager to share many mods from the original game, and Intercept Games plans to make even more room for mods in the sequel and implement additional advancements designed to support the modding community.
  • And furtherWe will be releasing many quality of life improvements, bug fixes, features and more as we develop the game in Early Access, so keep an eye out for updates.

Check out the latest video from Kerbal Space Program 2 on YouTube to celebrate the game’s early access release:

Kerbal Space Program 2 is available in Early Access for PC via Steam, Epic Games Store, Private Division Store, and other digital retail platforms starting at $49.99. The PlayStation 5 and Xbox X|S versions of Kerbal Space Program 2 released after the early access period for PC. We will announce more details in the future. Kerbal Space Program 2 is rated PEGI 3. For more information on Kerbal Space Program 2subscribe to YouTube, follow us on Twitter, join our Discord, become a fan on Facebook or visit

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