With the indie box, the entire XboxSquad editorial team offers you mini reviews of very little known or highlighted indie games. If some ciertos don’t deserve to step out of the shadows of the Xbox marketplace, others may be worth a look. This is the whole subject of this section.

It is said of you that, controller in hand, you demonstrate flawless dexterity? That your composure is matched only by your precision? I hope for you! Because DEFORMATION will not forgive you the slightest deviation. In this shoot’em up inspired in terms of gameplay by the mythical Asteroids, it’s a hundred levels spread over ten planets that await you.

The principle is simple. With your ship, on each board you will have to reach the exit door represented in the form of a green wormhole. Of course, asteroids and other warlike alien species will stand in your way but will be the least of your worries compared to the scenery.

Indeed, the slightest contact will be punished with immediate death and believe me, it will often get you. Between ship inertia, enemy fire, and grav traps, you’ll crash countless times, always having to start over from where you started. That said, the levels being generally quite short, you will only be modestly penalized in the event of failure.

Add to that a countdown before reaching the exit as well as a fuel gauge for your ship and you will get a title that smells of games of yesteryear. Demanding and non-binding. The three most different modes are available to vary the pleasures: Adventure, Landing and Survival. That the hunters of success are reassured, the 1000G of DEFORMATION can be unlocked through the first 11 levels in less than 10 minutes.

I appreciate:

  • A deliciously old-school experience
  • fast 1000G

I am sorry:

  • Pulled my hair out on so many levels

Indie box – Touchdown Pinball, multiball, extraball… in short, lots of balls

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