During the After Kings that Ibai Llanos, Gerard Romero, Spursito, Adri Contreras, etc.. They put together during the afternoon many very interesting topics came out. With the playoffs just around the corner, the owners have been reviewing quite a bit of news, although from the start they didn’t want to talk about the transfer market.

Out of respect for those who play and for the good of the players, they preferred not to comment on it, but it was very difficult for them. For example, Ibai himself explained that he doesn’t want to go to the transfer market, as long as they don’t touch the team. At least in terms of the draft, as the Bilbaoan had a move in mind that could shake up the league. “Illegal,” he said.

In his own words, this signature could be “illegal” in the sense that he was going to get a super team if he could shut it down. Little by little, he gave clues: “He would be a 13th player” and “He played this year in the league” were two of the most powerful he let go. Little by little, those present connected the dots.

Does Ibai want to depose Corvo?

Ibai announces possible ‘bomb’ signing in Kings League InfoJobsIbai Llanos (Twitch)

One of the first names that came out was that of Fran Hernández, star of Annihiladores who he talked about many times. “He is a recruit who will generate a lot of hatred”, added. Then he pointed out that in reality almost any larger signing would do something similar, but it was clear that it wasn’t just any name.

It was then that Spursito appeared to press the button. “The other day, Cichero leaked something…”, he exposed, driving the chat of everyone present crazy. “Corvo”, everyone started repeating over and over again. And there, Gerard Romero raised his voice, very surprised by all this. “Corvo? he exclaimed and asked, causing Ibai to let out a mischievous smile. that it could be either a swing or a natural, involuntary reaction that reflected his strategy very well.

Post to Corvo's Instagram account.

Post to Corvo’s Instagram account. Sound like a goodbye?

The owner of Porcinos FC wants to maintain his squad structure and not sign, keeping all his budget (or so it seems) in order to have a 13 player for most of the season. And that smile was very revealing, so the presence of Corvo, one of the revelation players of the second half of the season, would fit very well into those plans.

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