Completing Merlin’s Trials is essential if you want to expand your inventory in Hogwarts Legacy and get more slots to store all the gear you find in chests and bags. The only way to get more equipment slots is to complete milestones in the exploration challenge, “Complete Trials of Merlin”. Luckily, once you’ve completed the Trials of Merlin main quest, you can attempt any of the Trials of Merlin on the map, and there are nearly 100 of them. They aren’t necessarily easy, though, and the one of the trickiest is on the rocky promontory of West Manor Cape, a short distance north of West Manor Cape Floo Flame.

Related: How to solve the West Manor Cape Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Legacy

How to Complete the West Manor Cape Merlin Trial

To solve the West Manor Cape Merlin trial, you need to hit three braziers with a flame spell in quick succession. If you’re too slow, the first brazier you light will have gone out by the time you reach the third brazier and you’ll have to start over. The braziers are widely spaced in this challenge, so there’s no way Incendio is good enough for this trial of Merlin, but if you explore the cape of the mansion, you should have at least learned Confringo by now, which has a fairly long range. . .

The braziers are not only far apart from each other, but there are also a lot of rocks here that block your line of sight. The solution is to climb up to the stone roundabout west of the Merlin Trial marker. From this vantage point, you will be able to see and aim for the three braziers. However, two of them will still be too far away to auto-aim, so you’ll need to manually aim with L2/LT.

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The first blaze is very close to the Merlin Trial marker, to the northeast.

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The second fire pit is right next to the stone gazebo.

Hogwarts Legacy West Manor Cape Merlin Trial brazier 3

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The third brazier is south of the stone gazebo, at the top of a small garden staircase.


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