With this guide, you will be able to run Kerbal Space Program 2 in ultra-wide resolution. With this method, you can change all settings.

Setting ultrawide resolution in Kerbal Space Program 2 can be a bit tricky, as the game does not offer this option in the standard settings menu. But don’t worry, with the following solution, you’ll be able to configure your settings in no time!

How to Run Kerbal Space Program 2 in Ultrawide (and Any Other) Resolution

Setting ultrawide resolution in Kerbal Space Program 2 requires some manual tweaking, but it’s a simple process once you know what to do. For modification of the Configuration.JSON file As described below, you will be able to enjoy the game in an immersive widescreen format that will enhance your overall gaming experience.

  1. Navigate to the following directory on your PC: C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalLowIntercept GamesKerbal Space Program 2Global. Replace “USERNAME” with your actual username on the PC.
  2. Open Configuration.JSON – you can do this using Block.
  3. In this file, you will see many settings that control various aspects of the game, such as graphics, audio, and controls. Find the line “screen resolution” and change the value.
  4. Save changes and close the text editor.
  5. KSP-Version 2 as you normally would. If you have set the ultra-wide resolution correctly, you should now see the game in your desired widescreen format.

If you want to learn more about KSP 2, please also read:

  1. Is Kerbal Space Program 2 a multiplayer game? Quick response
  2. Kerbals Touch Down in Early Access – Launch of Kerbal Space Program 2
  3. Kerbal Space Program 2 is delayed again because it’s a “terribly complex” game

Degree in English Philology and English in Public Communication. He started his professional career as an English teacher. Member of GlobeLiveMedia since 2019. During this time, he writes for various departments. Currently it mainly covers guides and occasionally supports writing. He has been interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. When he was younger, he wrote a scientific paper on video game translations. Passionate about RPGs and strategies, he also frequently dives into the depths of indie games. In her spare time, she works on a book and learns film editing.


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