By using a simple cheat you can earn a lot of money in Hogwarts Legacy. This guide on how to make money FAST in Hogwarts Legacy explains a few methods you can use to farm magical beasts so you can earn thousands of gold in just 10 minutes.

Using this method requires one thing, you must have the Nab Sack unlocked. You unlock this by following the main story until Deek and Mrs. Weasley tell you about the Room of Requirement. A few quests after that, Deek will tell you how to capture magical beasts. Once you complete this quest, you can start earning tons of money very quickly.

How to make money FAST at Hogwarts Legacy

You want to head to Puffskein Den just southwest of Hogsmeade, just northeast of the fast travel point at the southern end of the Forbidden Forest. Once here, slowly approach the Puffskein and pick them up. Be sure to change the difficulty in the settings menu to Story, this removes the mini-game required to catch the Puffskein and makes it much faster. Once you’ve caught them all, hop on your broomstick and travel a short distance southwest to some ruins. To land. Open your card, follow the instructions on the right button to wait. It changes the time of day.

Return to Puffskein’s lair and everyone would have respawned. Rinse and repeat this process until your Nab Sack is full. Once it’s full, head to Hogsmead and go to the Brood and Peck store. Here you can sell all the magic beasts you have captured.

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Captaincamper

in Hogwarts Legacy Guides

Mandrake is a rare ingredient you need for Professor Garlick’s Mission 1. In this guide on Where to find Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy, we will show you a place where you can find three Mandrake so that you can complete the mission objective. use a mandrake on multiple enemies.

Indoorlands now in Early Access on Steam

Posted on February 9, 2023 by Captaincamper

in Hogwarts Legacy Guides

You will find A LOT of equipment at Hogwarts Legacy, so space is very limited. This guide on how to increase inventory bag space in Hogwarts Legacy will explain the mechanics behind increasing the amount you can carry, as it’s not just about buying a bigger bag, there are specific challenges you need to complete.

Indoorlands now in Early Access on Steam

Posted on February 9, 2023 by Captaincamper

in Hogwarts Legacy Guides

Malvasulce is an item needed to start the Trials of Merlin. In this guide on where to get more marshmallows in Hogwarts Legacy, we’ll explain how you can find more, because each trial of Merlin costs a single marshmallow and you only get a few at the start of the game, so they’ll work out quickly. .

Indoorlands now in Early Access on Steam

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Captaincamper

in Hogwarts Legacy Guides

During the Ghost of Our Love side quest, you get a treasure map that shows floating sails. In this Hogwarts Legacy Ghost of Our Love guide we will tell you everything you need to know to solve the interesting treasure map puzzle, because you have to find a specific location that is not too close to the point of start of the quest.


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