If you want to ride Dehya, the latest 5-star Pyro character in Genshin Impact 3.5, you’ll need Sumeru’s local specialty, Sand Grease Pupa. Like Sango Pearls for Kokomi, these Quicksand Eel Larvae Shells always spawn in the same locations and don’t require any additional requirements to collect, such as an Electric Ability required to collect Sakura Bloom. Plus, this Ascension thing follows the same 48-hour return schedule; once you pick it up once, you have to wait two real days before you can pick it up again from the same location.

Related: All Ruin Guard locations in Genshin Impact

Best Locations to Farm Sand Fat Pupa in Genshin Impact

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We’ve visited every possible Sand Grease Pupa location on Sumeru, from the underground tunnels near the Ghoul Pass to the ruins of Safhe Shatranj. Based on our testing, we can say with certainty that the two best places to farm this Ascension material in Genshin Impact are Wenut’s North and South Tunnels. Not only do they house most Sand Grease Pupa nodes in one place, they’re all relatively easy to navigate, requiring no complex traversal from the nearest teleport point. Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t visit other places in Hadramaveth Desert, but those who are short on time and just want to focus on the best location should choose Wenut Tunnels.

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First, start your journey at the Wenut Tunnels Waypoint on the east side of the Ghoul Passage. Head to the large mouth of the cave and follow the Genshin Impact underground path while collecting Sand Grease Pupa along the way. Eventually you will come to a fork in the road; take the right path and examine the pile of stones to fall into the sandy chamber below. Collect the last pupae in the area before returning to the Wenut Tunnels waypoint. Then enter Setekh Wenut’s lair but don’t start the fight. Instead, explore the outer edge of the cavern to collect several more Sand Grease Pupa in Genshin Impact. These two parts should give you about three dozen pupae.


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