If you’re looking to add a touch of royalty to your home in Minecraft, consider creating a purple hue for your bed, rugs, or glass. Dyes are a great way to add visual variety to basic items or blocks that you always see during gameplay. Similarly, purple dye is a great option for a more noble tone, especially if purple is your favorite color. . Unlike red, yellow, or white dye, however, purple dye is not obtained from a single resource. Just like color in the real world, purple is created by combining two specific colors into one.
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Make purple dye in Minecraft
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To make purple dye in Minecraft, you need to combine red and blue dye on a crafting grid to mix them with purple. The red dye comes from four sources: rose bushes, poppies, red tulips and beets. In contrast, blue dye is made from only two materials: lapis lazuli and blueberries. Of course, those who play creatively will have no problem popping any of these items or just the purple dye. On the other hand, finding the resources to craft the purple dye can be tricky if you’re in Survival Mode with no console commands active.
We recommend using beets or red tulips for the red dye, depending on whether you managed to find a flower forest. If you plan to mass produce Purple Dye in Minecraft Survival, finding a Flower Forest should be a top priority, as this is the primary way to farm Blue Dye with Blueberries. Naturally, you’ll collect plenty of lapis lazuli over hours of play. Still, we recommend saving this material for enchanting, as upgraded tools and clothing can be invaluable on your journey. As a result, blueberries are the best alternative, mainly because they can be rebuilt into a flower forest with a simple trick.
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If you find where blueberries grow in a Flower Forest in Minecraft, you can regrow them instantly with bone meal. There are many ways to grow and self-grow bone meal using composters, so spending bone meal on this endeavor shouldn’t be a problem. However, you might be wondering why we didn’t mention using bone meal for the red tulip patches in the flower groves. Indeed, we recommend saving your bone-based fertilizer for blue dye production and instead building a beet farm to create red dye. This way you can spend your resources efficiently to make purple dye easily in Minecraft.