Sons of the Forest has several places to explore, including caves, bunkers, camps, and more. These locations are full of loot and can help you acquire items that you can use to survive longer in the game. One of the places you need to visit is the facility, which is hidden inside a cave . We have prepared a guide through which you will find the installation in Sons of the Forest.

Where is the Sons of the Forest facility located?

When you first start the game, you will notice that some points are marked on the map. The location of the cave, which contains the facility, is marked on the map with a green pulse. It is located on the west side of the map. Simply head to the location and look for an entrance into the cave.

Since it will be dark inside, we suggest you build a torch first. This can be done using a single piece of stick and fabric. You can light it by pulling out the lighter and holding down the “L” key. With the torch in your inventory, go to the cave entrance and press ‘E’. Now take out the torch and keep going until you reach the room with the 3D printer inside. If you want to create stuff for yourself, go ahead and browse the laptop next to the printer. Or exit the room and go right.

As you progress, you will eventually come across a locked door. This is the facility door and you will need a maintenance key card to open it. Once inside, you have to move forward until you enter the Night Club area. This is where you will find a guest key card. Bring this keycard to the pool room door to unlock it. Then go through the area and you will find a chainsaw, a corpse sitting on a bean bag. One thing to remember is that you will find many mutants inside these rooms, so make sure you have the correct gear in your inventory before entering the cave.

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