Sons of the Forest requires you to gather different resources to survive another day in the game, but the most important thing is food. Without it, your character will feel tired and not function properly, which will eventually slow you down. You can cook yourself by catching animals, or you can find it as regular loot. And if you find canned food, you will need a can opener for that. To help you acquire it, we are going to show you how to find the can opener in Sons of the Forest.

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Location of the can opener in Sons of the Forest

The can opener can be found in the snowy region of the map. You don’t have to worry about entering a cave or opening doors to acquire it, as it sits out in the open waiting for you to pick it up. Just head to the location shown in the image below and you’ll find a frozen lake. There will also be an entrance to a cave around this lake. What you need to do is go to the red tent located on the right side of the entrance, and you will find the can opener on the ground.

Gamepur screenshot

Now that you’ve purchased the can opener, it’s time to use it. Open your inventory by pressing the ‘I’ key. Select the can opener, which will be on the left side, then select the canned food. Now click on the gear icon to combine them and your character will start opening the box. You can then store the food you get for later or eat it right away.

Related: How to find the facility in Sons of the Forest

As for canned foods, you can find them as regular loot throughout the forest. You can use it on days when you have trouble catching animals for cooking.


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