Get ready to say “goo goo ga ga” to the latest additions to The Sims 4 Grow Together. EA knows how much you love your little ones, so they’ve brought you a variety of new items to make your life even more exciting. From cute new outfits to interactive toys, your little Sims are sure to be the most stylish and contented babies on the block. You can even take them wherever you go, hands free. The baby carrier is the ultimate travel companion for parents on the go. So get ready to text your friends, stroll down the sidewalk, and even cook while carrying your baby. We show you how to find the baby carrier in The Sims 4.

Related: All the special features of babies in The Sims 4: Grow Together

Where is the baby carrier in The Sims 4?

Gamepur screenshot

Many Simmers have found themselves empty in their search for that coveted piece of transport. Our best guess is you’ve checked Build Mode, but sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s not there. The transporter is hidden in plain sight in Create a Sim mode. If you need to detail it step by step, here are all the steps you will need to follow:

  1. select your baby
  2. Open the Baby Care option from the wheel
  3. Choose “Set preferred back support”
  4. Look for the option “Place baby in carrier”

The Sims 4 Growing Up Baby Carrier has been hyped for more than a Hollywood blockbuster. Its irresistible charm makes gamers salivate just thinking about holding it in their hands. Unfortunately, however, there has been a widespread misconception among players that the item either does not exist in-game or has been tampered with by mods. And let’s be honest, after seeing Infant Update’s list of missing items, who can blame them for their skepticism?


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