Alright, so when I told you about the octopathic traveler 2 On the weapon master job side, I also mentioned how the “Sword in the Stone” side story is tied to her with her rusty weapon and professional skill reward. Well, there are six Rusty Weapons you’ll need to find to truly unlock all Weapon Master abilities. You start with Bulwark and Sixfold Strike after unlocking the quest, but you need to get all the weapons to unlock the other six.

So where do you find these other octopathic traveler 2 Rusty additional weapon master weapons for you to learn more professional skills? Here’s a full list, mentioning where they are and the weapon and ability each unlocks after bringing it to Porta in Gravell.

octopathic traveler 2 is available for Switch, PS4, PS5 and PC. A demo is available.

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