Golden Hematite is an advanced crafting material that requires wind-based armor and high-level weapons in Wild Hearts. You need to build high level equipment to defeat the final bosses. Golden Hematite can be grown reliably when you know where to look. This guide will tell you how to get Golden Bloodstone in Wild Hearts.

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Where to find Golden Bloodstone in Wild Hearts

Golden Hematite is a mineral that can only be found in one location in Wild Hearts. To find Golden Hematite, you need to head to Akikure Canyon. This location is what Harvest Canyon becomes once you reach Chapter 4 of the main campaign. Once you head to Akikure Canyon, you can find Golden Bloodstone anywhere in this area as it is embedded in the cliffs and rock faces. Check out the image below to see what Golden Hematite looks like in-game.

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When you see this bright yellow stone, run towards it and press L2 to add Golden Hematite to your inventory. If you want to get Golden Bloodstone in quick succession, we recommend building a Tsukumo Ore Shrine. You can unlock this Karakuri Dragon in the Karakuri skill tree tab of the menu screen. The following map shows the best places to find these nodes.

Wild Hearts Golden Hematite Card

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To easily farm this material, place three of these structures around your starting location. After a few minutes, these shrines will start generating this resource for you. When the shrine says it’s full, collect the materials to earn a handful of Ore, Core, and Golden Hematite with each harvest. Let these shrines generate resources while you hunt or scavenge the map for Golden Bloodstone Nodes. This will give you plenty of Golden Hematite to craft powerful armor and weapons.


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