Fortnite chests have traditionally rewarded players with random loot, triggering three to four usually disappointing pieces of gear. However, the addition of Holo Chests has allowed visitors to the island to select the exact weapon and rarity they want. While these will surely increase your chances of victory, you will need some type of item to open them. This is where you can find all Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 Holo Chests and how you can unlock them.

All Holo Chest locations in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2

As shown below, there are over 40 Holo Chest locations, but none are found in major points of interest. Instead, these can be found on the side of buildings at nearly every landmark on the map or at the main entrances to every gas station. Each slot will have four containers that display a hologram of the high-rarity weapon inside, and the weapon offerings differ at each slot. Despite this, all weapons in a Holo Chest slot are guaranteed to be Epic or Legendary rarity.

Gamepur screenshot

How to Unlock Holo Chests in Fortnite

Unlike basic chests, a Holo chest requires the use of a key to unlock it, and the key will be removed from your inventory after opening one of the chest’s containers. These keys usually drop as loot on the ground or inside any other chests, although you can also purchase one from the NPC CRZ-8 found north of Mega City. Additionally, you can also loot defeated enemies and use their keys.

Related: All Vending Machine locations in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2

Although keys don’t technically take up any of your inventory slots, there are still restrictions on how you can get them. For one, once you’re defeated, you won’t be able to access any keys you dropped in your next match. In the meantime, players won’t be able to carry more than three keys at a time, so make sure your teammates keep the extra keys for you.


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