Action RPGs are notorious for having powerful bosses, especially when it comes to soulful games like Bleak Faith: Forsaken. Although you will fight many bosses, none are as memorable as the first boss, Konrad the Betrayer. After a long walk through dark tunnels where you fight many enemies and teleporter robots, you will find a ruined arena where Konrad the Traitor awaits you. This guide will show you how to defeat Konrad the traitor in Bleak Faith: Forsaken.

Konrad the Traitor Boss Guide in Bleak Faith: Forsaken

Before entering the boss arena, remember to stop at the homunculus, so you have the checkpoint that leads to the arena. When you enter the arena, Konrad will start the fight by slowly walking towards you while giving a short dialogue. Start by walking towards him and he will launch an attack. He usually starts the battle with a hook attack. This is telegraphed by its bright yellow blade. Sidestep to his left side to easily dodge this attack. You can also start the battle with a double hit attack. Like the uppercut, this attack can be avoided by stepping on Konrad’s left side.

Gamepur screenshot

Konrad has a good number of attacks he can use during the fight. Although he has a health bar reduced by three-thirds, his attacks do not change based on how much health he has left. Konrad can use the following attacks during combat:

  • Upper cut – Telegraphed by a glowing yellow blade, Konrad will switch to you if you are out of melee range. Strafe left from Konrad to avoid this attack.
  • Double hit – Konrad will strike his weapon before performing a somersault and strike his weapon again. Strafe to his left to avoid the attack.
  • Double twist – Konrad will spin twice with his weapon drawn. This attack has a decent range. Dodge back to avoid getting hit or stand guard to protect yourself.
  • Multiturn – Konrad will spin up to eight times with his weapon drawn. This attack can easily break your guard. It’s best to dodge and back up to avoid getting hit as he gets closer to you.
  • Blue Orb Toss – The boss will launch a blue orb which will hit the ground and create a vortex. Avoid stepping on the vortex or it will leave a status effect on you that will damage you over time.
  • Pulse – This movement is telegraphed by kneeling Konrad. When this happens, step back as far as you can. Konrad will unleash an arena-ripping pulse, damaging and knocking you back if you get too close.
  • trample – Before performing this attack, Konrad will normally jump backwards. After that, Konrad will leap into the air and hit the ground, causing the group to split up. You cannot dodge this attack, but the closer you are to Konrad, the more damage you will take. Because of this, it’s best to step back and get as far away from him as possible to avoid taking too much damage.
  • Single shot – Similar to Double Strike, except Konrad will only hit his weapon once. This move is easy to avoid if you move to Konrad’s left side.

Bleak Faith Forsaken konrad PulseGamepur screenshot

Konrad has a lot of moves, but most of them will leave him open to attack. Stay close to him for most of the fight and stick to his left side. This will keep you from taking more damage and also allow you to land some good hits. When attacking Konrad, hit him once or twice and get ready for his next hit. Just get out of the way when he uses his stomp, spin, and pulse attacks, as these are very damaging if caught up close.


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