If you want to know more about build order in CoH 3, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we tell you.

Company of Heroes 3 is a new installment in the famous series of strategy games in which a player becomes a commander during World War II. The third part of the cycle brings few novelties, it presents for example a campaign map, which allows fans to take control of the entire Italian front. However, the gameplay is still focused on RTS tactical skirmishes. Especially in multiplayer mode. This is why a build order is so important. In this guide, we cover this topic.

Company of Heroes 3 – buildings

Each faction in COH 3 has its own buildings. They can recruit different units. It is important to know which structures can hire which soldiers. We have prepared a list of all units and buildings. However, there’s also a little cheat sheet here (remember there’s a simplified generalization below, read the previous article for more details).

American forces

  1. To place – explorers and engineers,
  2. tank depot – heavy vehicles and tanks,
  3. swimming pool motor – Light vehicles,
  4. weapons support center – special soldiers,
  5. Barracks – rank and file soldiers.


  1. To place – explorers and engineers,
  2. infantry company – rank and file soldiers,
  3. Luftwaffe Company – light vehicles and anti-tank armament,
  4. Panzer Grenadier Company – elite infantry and light vehicles,
  5. panzer company – reservoirs.

German Africa Corps

  1. To place – support units, scouts and engineers,
  2. light support society – soldiers with heavy weapons and basic infantry,
  3. mechanized enterprise – light and medium vehicles,
  4. Panzermee Command – reservoirs.

british forces

  1. To place – explorers and engineers,
  2. section command – basic units,
  3. platoon command – light vehicles and tanks,
  4. company command – tanks and heavy vehicles.

Company of Heroes 3 – build order

First of all, you must remember that your objective at the start of the battle is conquer as many sectors of the map as possible pool resources. Afterwards At first you should build buildings which produce very mobile units, ideal for quickly capturing the terrain. Later, however, you will need soldiers who can hit hard and defend positions.

you should too adapt to the map. if it’s littleit’s a good idea to have more aggressive and defensive units, since the fight is going to be fierce from the start. Light troopers won’t be as useful in this situation.

In the case of the card with many buildingsprepare the soldiers with breech capacity or units capable of easily destroying structures. They will be crucial. If the battlefield has lots of open spaceNext long range units will win the fight.

Degree in English Philology and English in Public Communication. He started his professional career as an English teacher. Member of GlobeLiveMedia since 2019. During this time, he writes for various departments. Currently it mainly covers guides and occasionally supports writing. He has been interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. When he was younger, he wrote a scientific paper on video game translations. Passionate about RPGs and strategies, he also frequently dives into the depths of indie games. In her spare time, she works on a book and learns film editing.


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