The sandbox title Raft has players struggling to survive in a world where land is scarce and dangers abound. Trapped on a small piece of wood that floats on an endless ocean, players will have to create a habitable situation while taking care of their needs, such as hunger and thirst. Farm plots are an invaluable tool for managing personal needs, allowing players to grow their own food while wandering aimlessly. However, advanced crop diagrams are even better – that’s how they are created.

Related: How to Play Raft on Mac

Where to find Advanced Farming Patches in Raft

Forward agricultural plots are located at trading posts, which are placed sporadically on the map. You’ll need to trade in your Trash Cubes and some rare coins to get the schematics, which are sold separately in small, medium, and large variants. You will need to upgrade the trading post to level 2 before the blueprint becomes available, which can be done by selling rare fish at the same trading post until you level it up.

How to Upgrade a Trading Post in Raft

Gamepur screenshot

To level up a Trading Post in Raft, you will only need to sell Rare Fish at said Trading Posts. Trading posts are most easily found by following the green beacons on the radar. Rare fish are obtained by catching fish with any type of bait, so grab a handful and cast your line into the water. A Rare Fish will be traded for Coins, which is another type of currency needed to trade items from a Trading Post. To get bait in Raft, you will need to craft Trashcans – One Trashcan is exchanged for four pieces of Bait at the Trading Post. You’ll need a bunch of trash to level up the trading post, then convert it to coins, and finally buy the advanced farming plots from the trading post.

It’s a lot to do, but the reward is worth it.

Related: How to Get and Use Wool in Raft

How to Create Advanced Crop Diagrams in Raft

Gamepur screenshot

Once you’ve purchased the advanced farm plot blueprints, it’s finally time to start building. Players will need a lot of planks for this item, but the list of materials ultimately depends on the size of the advanced farming patch you’re building.

Advanced Small Farm Plot

Advanced medium crop plot

  • 10 boards
  • 4 remains
  • 3 nails

Large plot of advanced cultivation

  • 12 boards
  • 12 nails
  • 4 strings
  • 1 brooch


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