The first Root of Nightmare raid encounter in Destiny 2 is called Cataclysm. You and your team must work together to figure out how to avoid this first phase, which will have multiple tasks for everyone on your team. There are several steps you will need to complete at once, and it will take some trial and error to figure it out for your fireteam. This is what you need to know about how to complete the Cataclysm encounter in the Root of Nightmare raid in Destiny 2.

All Cataclysm stages in the Root of Nightmare raid in Destiny 2

When you start the encounter, your team will need to display a raid banner, and you’ll stand in front of a plate with a white orb in the middle. Have everyone stand on the orb and get ready to start the match. You can start by shooting the orb or go out and go too far in the arena. The way it works is that there is a countdown that you will have to follow when the team is cleared if it reaches zero. You can increase this timer by 30 seconds by defeating two Psions that spawn in the arena, then defeating the Tormentor that spawns.

Related: All The Root of Nightmare loot and loot tables in Destiny 2

Gamepur screenshot

It works by destroying the orb in the center of the plate. When you shoot it, it generates a buff on another plate. A beam of light will point towards her. When someone with the buff walks towards the plate, stand on it, shoot the orb in the center. When this appears, another player on the home plate gets the buff and spawns the next orb on another plate. The other player must return this plate, as long as he has the bubble. Otherwise, move on to the other plate with the bubble. It moves.

You’ll need to do this back and forth in several areas of the dungeon, with four players taking adds and focusing on tormentors, while two other players work on plates. The two players at the plates need to be bouncing, so they don’t need to stay on the plate, but they need to be around the barrier, as that will switch plates, which applies the buff.


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