There is a lot of octopathic traveler 2 side stories where the answer might seem pretty obvious, but you can’t get there right away, and “Lighthouse Restoration” is one of them. Clearly, you have to go to another lighthouse to repair that of Canalbrine. You not only have to unlock the boat, which is an expensive purchase, but also have the right person by your side. Luckily, if you have a boat and Partitio, it’s an easy quest to complete.

First, you need to talk to the person in front of the Canalbrine Lighthouse to get the “Lighthouse Restoration” side story in octopathic traveler 2. After that, you need to add Partitio to your party, board your ship from New Delsta Port: Anchorage, and head north. There is a small island just above called, aptly, Lighthouse Island.

Now, if there are people in your party who are not Partitio, you can see that the lighthouse keeper on the island has an Aelmorite Reflector in his inventory. However, you cannot steal it or steal it with Throne or Osvald. Also, if you try to guide that person to the Canalbrine Lighthouse Keeper, they won’t complete the quest either. You need Partitio to buy it for 1500 sheets. Which is very easy, since the chest of this same island contains 12,000 leaves.

Takeover of Square Enix

Once you’ve purchased the Aelmorite Reflector, return to Canalbrine Lighthouse to complete “Lighthouse Restoration” in octopathic traveler 2. You’ll get 12,000 Leaves, a Lighthouse Keeper’s Bandana, and a Hickory Nut (L).

octopathic traveler 2 is available for Switch, PS4, PS5 and PC. A demo is available.

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