Fortnite School of Llama challenges are here for a limited time, allowing you to train the witcher and earn more rewards in the Witcher-themed game. Confusingly, none of these challenges are visible in Fortnite and instead you have to go to a separate website to start progressing. The challenges are divided into four “Courses”, although only one is available at the moment – a new course is unlocked every week, until the event ends on March 10. Here’s what you need to know about the Fortnite School of Llama challenges and the Witcher School rewards you can get.

How to Join the School of Llama Fortnite Event

To start completing challenges, you need to log in to the Epic Games event website – opens in a new tab for Fortnite School of Llama. Log in with your linked Epic Games account and you will be able to see the current challenges that you are ready to complete. you have until 11:59 a.m. ET on March 10, 2023to complete all of these challenges and you will automatically get the in-game reward associated with completing any challenge.

How to Complete Fortnite School of Llama Challenges

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Now that you’ve logged into the School of Llama event, you can begin completing challenges, or “tasks,” from the four paths shown on the map, but only Path 1 is currently available: Route 2 will be unlocked on February 14, Route 3 on February 21. there Route 4 on February 28. You also don’t need to complete routes to unlock subsequent ones and you can freely complete tasks from any route. You will be able to progress through these task challenges in any mode of Battle Royale and Zero Build playlists.

On the School of Llama website, you will see a big blurry map with different tasks to complete. As you complete the tasks, you can start to work your way through the paths, facing more tasks along the way until you finally reach a roadblock. These obstacles are challenge islands created by the creators, and completing the island is the only way to overcome the obstacle and achieve more of your current path. There are five of these challenge islands to complete in the Fortnite School of Llama event. Once you’ve reached the end of a path, after tackling your final task, you’ll earn a special “main reward” – more on these and other rewards below!

Fortnite School of Llama Witcher Rewards

Fortnite Flame School Warlock Core Rewards

(Image credit: Epic Games)

As I mentioned, each School of Llama Path offers its own rewards for completing the challenges it offers, including in-game cosmetics and large amounts of XP. There are also rewards you get for completing other goals in School’s Paths, so here are all the possible rewards in the game and how you get them:

  • Warlock’s Silver Sword Pickaxe: Route 1 main reward.
  • Geralt of Rivia Lobby Track by Marcin Przybyłowicz: Course 2 Main Reward.
  • 80,000 XP: Route 3 and 4 main rewards.
  • Emoticon Manticore School and Wolf School Spray: Unlock the four main path rewards.
  • Cat School Emoticon: Complete all tasks on Route 1.
  • Griffin School Emote: Complete all tasks on Route 2.
  • Viper school emoticon: Complete all Route 3 tasks.
  • Bear School Emoticon: Complete all Path 4 tasks.
  • AXII sign banner icon: Complete the Axii Challenge Island created by the creator.
  • QUEN sign banner icon: Complete the Quen challenge island created by the creator.
  • AARD panel icon: Complete the challenge island Aard created by the creator.
  • IGNI poster icon: Complete the Igni challenge island created by the creator.
  • YRDEN sign banner icon: Complete the Yrden Challenge island created by the creator.
  • Flame School Emote: Complete all challenge islands created by the creators.

Once you’ve met the requirement for a reward, it will automatically appear in your Fortnite account and you won’t have to do anything else to claim the reward. However, keep in mind that rewards won’t always appear instantly, so be patient. You can also unlock the Fortnite Geralt of Rivia skin if you have the Chapter 4 Battle Pass, as quest challenges are now available to complete.

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