So “A Devilishly Delicious Dish” is a side story that you can learn very early on. octopathic traveler 2, but you probably won’t be strong enough to complete it later in the game. In the New Delsta Tavern, a Tavern Cook will ask you for a Delsta Devil. However, solving this problem means heading to a level 34 dungeon and defeating a boss.

After getting the quest, head to the Western Clockbank Highroad. You will need to go to one of the docks and navigate under the bridge to the south. Going down this river will take you to level 34 of the Sunken Maw area.

Once you reach the pier here, head south until you come to another pier. Use the small boat to sail east. After recovering the Shield of Serenity from the chest, go north of this small island. Save to save point. Climb the ladder then visit the passionate old fisherman in his cabin to the north. (The chest near here contains 13,500 leaves.) You’ll need someone to buy, beg, loot, or steal their special bait. (My throne was around level 40 at this point and it passed with a 100% chance.)

After you get the bait, get on the boat at the dock near the save point and head east. A message will appear in the right place asking if you want to use the bait you purchased. Say yes to trigger the Delsta Devil boss fight “A Devilishly Delicious Dish” in octopathic traveler 2. It is an enemy with only 5,700 HP. He power It hits a little hard, but is weak against bows, daggers, lightning magic, and spears. Also, you cannot capture it and you must defeat it to complete the quest. You’ll get a boost serum for winning the fight, then you’ll get a “captured” Delsta Devil.

Return to the New Delsta Tavern and speak to the Tavern Cook. Once you give him the captured Delsta demon, you’re good to go. You will get 5000 Blades, a Master Rod and a Chef Ladle.

octopathic traveler 2 is available for Switch, PS4, PS5 and PC. A demo is available.

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