Splatoon 3 is continually adding new features to help improve the player experience. Starting from Fresh Season 2023, we have a new social feature that allows you to quickly communicate with a group of players during gameplay. This can be a way to build a community of friends in-game. Here’s what you need to know on pools in Splatoon 3.

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How to Use Pools in Splatoon 3

To access a party in Splatoon 3 you will have to enter the game lobby and press L to bring up the Match menu. Press R repeatedly to access the Notifications page. Tap the plus button and you’ll be able to enter the name of a group you want to join. If you’re trying to join a specific group, make sure you enter the name correctly. When you’re done, look at the first name and join the pool. You can only belong to one group at a time. If you ever want to switch to a different one, return to the Notifications page and tap the More button.

Gamepur screenshot

After joining a group, you can send and receive notifications from anyone in that same group. This can include friends or complete strangers. With this, you will be able to join and invite these people to games and send you new notifications.

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There’s no limit to how many people can join a group, so these are really open spaces where you can find new people. We wouldn’t say they’re great for your small group of friends, but rather for meeting new people who enjoy the same things you do. Be sure to search the internet for groups you want to join and make new friends.


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