Team Ninja is known for games like Ninja Gaiden and Nioh, which feature fast-paced action and brutal difficulty. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the team’s follow-up to the Nioh series, trying to further the team’s vision of soul-like combat. You might be wondering how hard Wo Long is and if it will take a long time to complete it. In this guide, you’ll learn exactly how many hours you’re supposed to devote to it.

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How long is Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a linear action game that features lots of different playstyle options and tons of gear. Team Ninja has created a more level-based experience game rather than the styles of their previous work, which may change the difficulty a bit. It will take 40 hours to beat Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty for the first time.

However, note that this is based on an average running time. If you want to play deeper and complete as much as possible, according to some speculation from other games like Nioh, it could take 60 hours or more to finish everything. Team Ninja are known for making sure their games are packed with levels and side quests, so there’s plenty to discover in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. But then again, if you’re playing for a quick game, which is a bit less hardcore, it’ll only take you around 40 hours.

Related: How difficult is Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

Even after completing it, there is still gameplay in the game as it has a co-op mode for you to play with your friends. Don’t worry about finishing the game and running out of reasons to start Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty anytime soon.


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