You’ll find several unique herbs that you can use to craft healing items while playing Resident Evil 4 Remake. These herbs are one of the best ways to heal yourself easily, and you’ll want to collect as many as you can as you go. as you explore. each diverse field. . Of the herbs, yellow doesn’t offer much use if you only have one item. A yellow herb requires a green or red herb to become a healing item, but it also offers other unique properties beyond the traditional herbs you’ll find. Here’s what you need to know about how yellow herbs work in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

What To Do With Yellow Weeds In Resident Evil 4 Remake

Like all the herbs you use in the Resident Evil 4 Remake, you get the most out of these herbs when crafting them. You will need to open your cache, select the yellow herb in your inventory and combine it with a green or red herb, if you have one available. The herbs will transform into a single vial, and you can now use it to heal yourself mid-fight, protecting you from seeing the Game Over screen.

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Yellow herbs are unique in that they maximize your health while healing you, depending on which herbs you combine. The combination of yellow and green herbs is best; you can receive good healing and your max health will increase. If you combine a yellow herb and a red herb together they will still increase your max health, your immediate health will not increase as much. It makes the combination of green and yellow so much better, especially if you have a high healing need. However, maximizing health will also be beneficial as you continue to play.

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Alternatively, if you have multiple herbs, two green herbs and one yellow herb will heal you a little, or you can combine green, red, and yellow herb for the best possible healing. In addition to using a yellow herb in each recipe, your max health will also increase.


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