Hogwarts Legacy is taking sales by storm, with a large number of players diving into the magical world imagined by Avalanche, but many controversies remain surrounding the title.

Much of the controversy surrounding Hogwarts Legacy has to do with her connection to JK Rowling and her transphobic comments, that she will benefit from the game, even though she did not participate in it due to the creation of the IP. In protest, itch.io has created a bundle called Trans Witches are Witches, which includes 69 games LGBTQ+ developers.

“A collection of witchcraft and wizardry free from transphobia, anti-Semitism and far-right crooks. Reject the fanaticism of Hogwarts’ legacy and support independent LGBTQ+ creators,” the package description reads. If you want to support the bundle or get the games, the “Trans Witches are Witches” bundle is priced at $60 (which is equivalent to costing a triple A), and which is also an 80% saving on the original price of all the games combined.

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