If Avalanche Software seems to have conquered most gamers, few have reached the sacrosanct Platinum!

Like many open-world games of our time, Hogwarts Legacy offers its share of hard-to-collect trophies.

Hogwarts Legacy: Obtaining the game’s platinum trophy is an almost impossible mission

If, in general, the trophies of the current titles are more consistent and pleasant to have than those of the old apps, Sometimes players fight! In this specific case, you will have to spend many hours training and go back and forth to Hogwarts to achieve your goals…

Indeed, it will already be necessary to find all the collectibles of the game, already more than 600! Additionally, exploring the open world will be a fundamental task in finding Merlin’s Judgment: although quite simplistic, you will still have to fill in the 95…

I’m sure you know this, but the game offers the possibility of belonging to four different houses. Afterwards, if your goal is to go platinum, you will need to do the first 5-5 hours of the campaign with each of these houses. It is therefore up to you to judge whether you are sufficiently motivated to embark on the quest for the Grail!

As a reminder, Hogwarts Legacy is available from February 10 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X | S. After another adjournment, the software will land on PS4 and Xbox One on May 5while Nintendo Switch players will have to wait until July 25, 2023.

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