If you want to know what High-Roller Dungeon is in Dark and Darker and what to expect, this article is for you. We tell you what the most difficult mode of the game consists of.

Dark and Darker is a mix of dungeon crawler and battle royale. It’s a difficult game, but as always in these cases, there will be players for whom simply “difficult” will not suffice. The High Roller mode was developed for them. In this guide, we will talk about it.

Dark and darker modes

There are currently 3 game modes in Dark and Darker:

  1. The Goblin Caves – a new mode specially designed for solo players. There are no teams on it. However, it should be noted that many players complain that it is currently more difficult than The Forgotten Castle (Normal). Read about it here.
  2. The Forgotten Castle (Normal) – the basic game mode, this is where you will probably start your adventure in the game. It is open to teams (3 and 2 players) and solo players. However, if you’re playing alone, you should be prepared that a matchup with a team may not end well for you.
  3. The Forgotten Castle (High Roller) – works on the same principle as The Forgotten Castle (Normal), except that the difficulty level is much higher. In this article, we will take a look at it.

High Roller Dungeon in Dark and Darker: Entry Requirements

  1. Minimum level: 15;
  2. Admission price: 100 gold coins

As you can see, the Higher Roller Dungeon is not for everyone. You must meet certain requirements (shown above). If you are considering participating in this modality, we recommend that you take your time. Don’t play the mode as soon as you’ve encountered them. Gather funds and materials first so that if you lose you can start over smoothly.

High Roller Dungeon – preview

  1. No power to kill or timer in game – this is a big inconvenience for gamers. Kill-feed in particular is a very useful tool that can allow you to estimate how many opponents are left in the dungeon.
  2. enemies – You should expect a higher chance of encountering Nightmare and Elite level monsters. If you had problems with opponents in the basic dungeons, better not choose the High-Roller dungeon.
  3. Better drop rates for high quality equipment. – to collect really powerful equipment, you need to switch to High-Roller mode. There is a higher chance of dropping higher quality loot there. Also, it’s the only way to get single-grade gear. We have described this in a separate article.
  4. Fewer blue portals, more red portals – when you participate in High-Roller Dungeon, you should also take into account that it is more difficult to mine (fewer blue portals). On the other hand, it is much easier to continue your exploration in the lower and more difficult levels of the castle (red portals). Rad about them here.

To sum up: the High-Roller dungeon in Dark and Darker is only for those who really know the game. The rewards for exploring it are much greater, but at the same time the risks are also greater. Don’t go there if you are not ready to face the best players and the most powerful monsters.

Dark and Darkest Guide

If you are curious about this and other mechanics included in the game, you should read our guide: Dark and Darker Guide. You will learn all the most important information.

Degree in English Philology and English in Public Communication. He started his professional career as an English teacher. Member of GlobeLiveMedia since 2019. During this time, he writes for various departments. Currently it mainly covers guides and occasionally supports writing. He has been interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. When he was younger, he wrote a scientific paper on video game translations. Passionate about RPGs and strategies, he also frequently dives into the depths of indie games. In her spare time, she works on a book and learns film editing.


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