Just because Ganyu has amazing base stats in Genshin Impact doesn’t mean you can overlook his weapons. Luckily, there are plenty of bows, both rare and readily available, that you can put on him to boost his natural firepower (ice power?). Because he’s relatively easy to build and can get away with an average critical rate if you have the right artifacts, Ganyu is a fantastic character for players of all skill levels.

Weapons you might consider putting on your Ganyu include:

Arch of Amos

As usual, a character’s signature weapon is the best, and Ganyu is no different. Ganyu is a sweet little girl and does not normally enjoy a dedicated protector. Amos’ bow increases the damage of his charged attack every 0.1 seconds while the arrow remains in the air. It also takes into account the double hit of his Frostflake Arrow. So this arc pairs well with how you should play your Ganyu if she’s your primary attacker.

North Star

Polar Star is Childe’s signature weapon, but it’s incredibly good for all DPS bow users. Passively increases his ability and explosion damage. You also gain stacks that greatly increase its ATK each time you hit an enemy with a normal attack, charged attack, elemental ability, or elemental blast. The Crit Rate sub-stat is a bit unfortunate based on your Artifacts. But if you’re leading a Freeze comp team like Morgana, it’s a fantastic arc.

water drill

Yelan’s signature weapon is also a great general DPS bow. Increases your damage done by 20% and its secondary stat is Crit DMG. So even if you use it as a stat stick on Ganyu, it’s fine. Another advantage of Aqua Simulacra is that Ganyu doesn’t need to be in the field to benefit from the increased damage. So let’s say she’s the sub-DPS in a Freeze comp. His skill and explosion will still have that damage bonus even if someone else is active.

Blackcliff Warbow

The Blackcliff Warbow is a cheap and easily accessible weapon that works great in conjunction with Ganyu’s low crit needs. As a 4-star weapon, it obviously doesn’t have as big of a passive Crit DMG boost as, say, Aqua Simulacra. But it is easier for most players to get it because you can find it in the Paimon sale every two months. The effect of Blackcliff Warbow is quite situational. But even if you’re fighting individual enemies, it’s a phenomenal stat stick.

ode to the wind

The Ode of Windblume was a limited weapon that you could only obtain from the Windblume Invitation event in patch 1.4. Since his primary use is his Elemental Mastery secondary stat, you can get away with The Stringless as well. While Ganyu’s damage potential will significantly decrease as a result of applying EM weapons, he is an excellent cryo applicator in a Melt or Freeze composition with his Burst.

crescent prototype

The Prototype Crescent is also a great DPS bow for Ganyu, and is more widely available than the Blackcliff Warbow. You can forge it in-game to make it easy to refine. Unlike all the other arcs on this list, Prototype Crescent requires skill from the player. This is because you won’t get the bonus ATK or movement speed unless your charged attack hits an enemy’s weak spot (like Hilichurl’s mask). His sub-stat is % ATK, so you will need to increase Ganyu’s Critical DMG through his Artifacts, so you should choose to equip Prototype Crescent or Blackcliff Warbow depending on that.

Genshin Impact is available for PS4, PS5, Windows PC and mobile devices. Players can only draw Ganyu when the Character Event Wish Adrift in Port is live in Genshin Impact.

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