Grand Theft Auto Online has a new update. Rockstar Games has introduced a new custom license plate creator, along with new deathmatches and special bonuses.
If you’ve spent time carefully collecting and customizing your vehicle collection and feel like something is missing, maybe custom license plates will fill that gap. The new license plate creator is now available, giving you the ability to create up to 30 new personalized license plates, order them, then collect them and use them on eligible vehicles.
This feature is currently free, so you can use it now. Select the background and text you want, and decide which of your cars you want to put it on. Of course, these plates have rules that govern their creation.
“License plate text may be discarded and rendered useless for any of the following reasons:
- You are trying to use a non-alphanumeric character (AZ or 0-9) in the license plate text, such as !, &, #, %, $
- The custom text you are trying out contains language that may be considered profane
- Your personalized text corresponds to a plate reserved exclusively for a player or a Rockstar Games promotion.
- Like the Rockstar Games team before you, if you want to use a name that doesn’t meet these standards, you may need to get creative.
The new 4/20 update also includes two new deathmatches and some special bonuses. Shake It’s a free-for-all deathmatch that keeps you on your toes. Each time you kill an enemy or respawn, your weapon will turn into a random weapon. The announcement hints at a possible strategy. Melee weapons and fists will shoot enemies with a single shot.
The second new deathmatch is Top marks. This is a team deathmatch mode where your loadout will also change, this time depending on whether your team wins, loses, or is tied. Radar behavior will also change.
There are also special bonuses, like for Grass Farms and double RP and GTA$ for short trips.
Read the update on the Rockstar Newswire.