A recent Genshin Impact Dehya animated short inspired Chinese gamers to donate thousands of dollars to one of the country’s charities for underprivileged children. In the anime game’s trailer, we see Dehya making a large donation to help Sumeru desert orphans leave the harsh environment they were born into. Actual player donations will go to the charity Project of Hope China, which is a student aid project that aims to improve children’s education and living expenses.
Since Genshin Impact is a Chinese game, fans think it’s no coincidence that Dehya named his charity Wall of Hope when the charity Project of Hope actually exists, and both support the children one way or another.
In the animated short, Dehya uses an amount of blackberry described as his “life savings” to start the charity in the city of Sumeru right after saving a boy from desert sandstorms. This all sounds like some kind of positive call to action, especially if you’re familiar with Project Hope.
Thousands of Chinese gamers donated ¥680 CNY (GBP £80 / 98 USD) each – A reference to the highest amount you can pay to recharge your Genshin Genesis Crystals at 6480 in China with in-game microtransactions.
Along with their donations, they also leave messages on the Project of Hope website saying “Dehya’s Wall of Hope”. This, along with a quote from Dehya on the wall of Samiel of Sumeru that separates the desert from the city proper: “This wall was never meant to keep things out. It was to protect himself.
Dehya is truly making a real difference for children inside and outside Sumeru. It’s nice to see a short, one-off trailer make such a big impact like this.
Genshin Impact version 3.5 will go live in less than 24 hours, so you will soon be able to support Dehya and Cyno for the first half of the update.