A new mod for Hogwarts Legacy add a “shrek’s broomto the game. The mod is one of the first for Avalanche Software’s new title, and there are sure to be many more for Hogwarts Legacy.

Although Hogwarts Legacy is still a brand new title, the modding community has wasted no time working on the game.

Although many mods for other games, such as Skyrim, are often designed to improve gameplay, there is also plenty of room for fun mods, and this Shrek mod definitely shows the fun side of the Hogwarts Legacy community.

The mod’s footage is truly bizarre, showing the player riding Shrek, using him to fly around the world of Hogwarts Legacy like a broom. The mod replaces the in-game aeromancer’s broom, instead showing Shrek in a “t” pose.

The expression on Shrek’s face is completely expressionless, which adds to the weirdness of the mod. Over the years, Shrek has become something of a meme within the gaming community. Using it to replace other characters has become commonplace, and many games have their own version of a Shrek mod.

Fun mod changes Hogwarts Legacy broom for Shrek

It’s a trend that seems endless. In-game, the Hogwarts Legacy Shrek broom mod doesn’t have much use in gameplay: it’s for entertainment purposes only. Benefits are limited to the stat boosts the Aeromancer Broom would give players anyway.

Paul A.

I have been working as a journalist for Debate Media since 2020, I use the platform to communicate my interest in video games, cinema and technology, seeking to convey information in a clear and playful way. I have a particular taste for shooting games, not to mention indie games and anything with a motor and four wheels (or two).

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