A group of former developers of Recurrence announced that they have officially established a new game studio under the name of wild entertainment.
In recent years, several spin-off studios have sprung up from major video game companies, such as Maverick Games, former Forza Horizon developers. Wildlight seems to be the latest addition to this list.
While the new studio has yet to share more details about what’s to come, former Respawn devs have indicated they’re working on a shooter. Los shooters han sido a menudo una categoría popular en el mundo de los videogames for decades, y esta popularidad solo parece haber crecido gracias en parte a francquicias de éxito de juegos como servicio como Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Call of Duty y Apex Legends , among others.
Apex Legends recently hit a new all-time high in player count, a sign that the genre continues to generate a lot of excitement among gamers. What to expect from the old Respawn team remains to be seen, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that the studio would be keen to bring an equally popular title to life.
The official study was made public today by Wildlight Entertainment’s new team on social media, although it was reported that the study has been ongoing since last year. Called a “range first, hybrid second” company, Wildlight’s team primarily includes IP creators like Call of Duty, Titanfall, and Apex Legends.
Alongside the creators, the studio’s co-founding CEO is Dusty Welch, who previously served as COO and GM at Respawn for Apex Legends. So far, Wildlight hasn’t leaked any details about its upcoming works, other than a new FPS title that’s currently in development.
While it may be some time before the studio shares more information, the new IP address is likely to go the “game as a service” route, given the experience of the team and the popularity of the genre.