The list of characters for fire emblem heroes is about to grow, like a rearmed Tana and Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones the banner is about to appear. As a reminder, the fact that Tana is a Rearmed hero means that a player who caught her could pass on her weapon and her abilities without losing the unit. (It can be done once and only four can be shared.) Gilliam, Syrene, and Vanessa will also join the cast on March 18, 2023. People will also be able to obtain Vigarde from a Big Hero 6 battle starting on the same date. . .

All four characters will be available in five stars, although Vanessa will also appear in four stars. Gilliam is an armored unit with a Frelian Lance. Syrene is a flying unit that carries the sword of Frelian. Vanessa is another flier, but with an Up-Front Lance+. Finally, Tana is also a Pegasus Knight, although she wields the Arcane Nastrond bow. All four will also appear in a Forging Bonds event after the banner is released.

Here is the trailer for Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones characters come together Hero with the new version of Tana. This confirms that players can “Spark” on this banner after summoning 40 times, allowing them to choose a five-star Focus unit for free.

fire emblem heroes is available on Android and Apple iOS devices, and this the sacred stones The banner was released on March 18, 2023. One of the last rearmed units was Alfred de Engage in Fire Emblem.

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