Enshrouded, despite facing competition from larger counterparts, has emerged as one of the standout games of the year. Its success is attributed to its unique blend of RPG, survival, and construction elements, making it a compelling experience for players.

Notably, even in its Early Access version, the game stands out on Steam’s most played list, showcasing its merit.

A Game-Changing Feature: Undo Function

One exceptional feature that sets Enshrouded apart is its undo function, akin to a “control + z” within the game. While many survival games provide options to rectify building mistakes, Enshrouded’s system outshines the rest.

It allows players to undo their last five construction actions, providing an invaluable tool for fixing errors.

How Does It Work?

Enshrouded’s undo function operates by ‘remembering’ the terrain state before each construction action, creating a queue of up to five save files.

With a simple key press (Y on keyboard, B on Xbox controller, and Circle on PlayStation controller), players can seamlessly revert to the previous save file. In essence, it’s a game-changer, offering a maximum of five “control + z” instances.

Convenience in Bug Fixing

This undo feature proves especially handy for swiftly addressing bugs, a task that may be more cumbersome in other games.

While it’s common to demolish wrongly placed structures, Enshrouded’s system excels in fixing issues with terraforming tools. This convenience, though not revolutionary, sets Enshrouded apart from similar games.

Possible Reasons Behind the Mechanic

The unique construction mechanics of Enshrouded, limiting players to essential tools within their base area, could be linked to the presence of the undo function.

This limitation, perhaps a trade-off in game development, simplifies the creation of save files for a specific zone, contributing to the effectiveness of the undo feature.

The truth is, with its recent major update and despite being in Early Access, Enshrouded stands out as an intriguing game with immense potential.

While not flawless, the inclusion of innovative features like the undo function makes it a title worth watching as it progresses towards its final release.

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