Yesalmost two weeks have passed since G2’s tenth title in the LEC, and Today the highest European competition drew the ideal quintet for this first split of 2023. Photon, Elyoya, Caps, Hans Sama and Mikyx were the five elected by a jury made up of teams from the LEC, Riot and journalists.

Quintet dominated by G2

In the ideal quintet we find three members of the G2, and it is not for less. There is little doubt that the caps were the best median of the competition, even the best player of this first split, nor only the best the bottom line It was that of the samurai. The couple of Hans Sama and Mikyx pretty much dominated the bot lane, especially when the Frenchman was in his selected badges, and what about the Dane, who took care of almost all the first games of G2.

Photon and Elyoya are also rightly there. South Korean is an online bugand we have already seen him perform parts practically alone, while the jungle was once again the best in the competition, although it was not in its culminate SO. The Spaniard threw his entire squad on their backs and was the star figure in a MAD Lions no one was counting on in the final.

second and third team

In the second team we have the other two members of G2, Broken Blade and Yike, accompanied by Nisqy, Exacick and Hylissanga list in which we have two recruits. Finally, the third team would complete it. Chasy, Markoon, Larssen, Comp and Trymbi.

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