Dust & Neon update available now, patch notes

Posted on March 15, 2023 by Dawn in News, Switch eShop

A new update has been released for Dust & Neon on Switch, bringing a number of bug fixes, balance adjustments, and title improvements. Some highlights include adjustments to enemy stats and experience gains to reduce grind and increase challenge, making missions more difficult as players survive longer, and an increase in mission variety. Full details can be found below:

BUG: Fixed a reported jammer in the Sabotage mission.
BUG: Fixed brain boost effects not adding correctly.
BUG: Fixed shotgun grunts sometimes failing to hit.
BUG: Boss health bar disappears if he enters the pause menu.
BUG: Enemies can sometimes shoot offscreen.
BUG: Sticky Sprint not working on keyboard/mouse.
BUG: Missing distortion effects.
BUG: Loot success does not count unsalvaged/scrap weapons.
BUG: Fixed auto-aim when firing from the hip.

BALANCE: Increased range effect on weapons.
BALANCE: Changes the order of some weapon shop upgrades.
BALANCE: Adjusted ammo drop for rifles and shotguns.
BALANCE: Modify certain brain-boosting effects.
BALANCE – Adjusted some enemy stats (bugs that explode faster, less lag on turret bugs, faster reload for tanks)
BALANCE – Adjust the xp curve to flatten it (faster xp gain) after level 20 to reduce grind.
BALANCE – Adjust damage reduction for weapons, less range for revolver and shotgun before damage is reduced.
BALANCE: Increases the player’s weapon damage/enemy health curve which multiplies them based on range.
BALANCE: Adjusted some home base prices.

IMPROVEMENT: Rewrote quest board generation to be more varied. Regenerate all missions on each return and base them on the last two missions played to avoid too much replay.
IMPROVED: Generates more difficult missions if the player has survived for a long time.
IMPROVED: Added several variants to the sabotage mission house.
IMPROVED – Make Kill Target enemies a bit harder.
IMPROVED: Added warning images to traps.
IMPROVED: Boss 5 has been redesigned a bit to be more snappy.
IMPROVED – Add some variants to target kill barrels and detonate them faster to reduce the crushing feeling in these missions.


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