Blizzard is almost ready to launch Diablo IV. Before that, however, comes the beta test. According to an announcement from developer Blizzard Entertainment, the Diablo IV The open beta is scheduled to begin in March 2023. Players interested in checking out the game and playing a preview build will be able to access it during a planned “open beta and early access weekend” on PC and consoles. Events are scheduled for March 17-19, 2023 and March 24-26, 2023.

That being said, is only one weekend open to the general public. The first one Diablo IV The open beta weekend (March 17-19) is for players who pre-ordered the game only. The following weekend (March 24-26) is open to everyone. The test will take place on Windows PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

Blizzard’s post details what players will be able to access during the beta. The preview beta of Diablo IV it will include excerpts from the campaign game, namely the Prologue chapter and the entirety of Act 1 of the story. It takes place in the game’s first playable area, called Fractured Peaks. Players will be able to try their hand at battles, quests and dungeons freely. However, there is a limit to how far they will be able to progress. He Diablo IV The Open Beta level cap is set at level 25. Players who reach this cap will no longer be able to level up, but will be able to play until the Open Beta period ends.

To access the Diablo IV open beta, players will need a account. Those who have an early access code from a pre-order will be able to redeem it from this page. When redeeming the early access code, PC players will have their accounts flagged for immediate access. Console players will receive a specific storefront code via the email associated with their account. They can then redeem the code through the relevant console store, such as PSN or Xbox Store.

Diablo IV is in development and will be released on June 6, 2023 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Windows PC.

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