The next ranked season is fast approaching for Diablo 2 Resurrected. This competitive new season in Blizzard’s beloved action-RPG introduces eight new runewords that provide new options for your builds as you race to be the fastest to reach level 99. Get ready to jump just right at time when the date arrives. Beginning of season 3.

The release time of the new Ranking Season will depend on your region. In North America, the new season is out. February 16 In 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 PM EST. In Europe, this means February 17 In 1h GMT / 2h CET. In Asia, the new season begins February 17 In 10am KST.

Blizzard reminded players to check their shared caches for leftover loot from the first season of the ladder. Currently, any remaining loot from the first season is available in the shared stash in a special “loot only” tab marked with a “past” checkbox. Once Season 3 begins, this tab will be removed and will only contain Season 2 loot. In other words, if there is any Season 1 gear you have stored there, be sure to withdraw before February 16.

Diablo 2 Resurrected update 2.6 will be released the day before and will introduce changes to Terror Zones: you’ll be able to play them in offline games once it arrives, although they have slightly different times than online terror zones.

If you need a refresher, check out our Diablo 2 Risen Horadric Cube recipe guide and be sure to check out our guide to the best Diablo 2 Risen Druid build if you plan on enjoying some of the cool new toys coming the season. next.

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