Red Hook Studios releases the latest update it will have today Darkest Dungeon II in its Early Access version. This update, called “Redemption Road”, redesigns and improves the travel system throughout the game, adding a layer of strategic depth while further defining travel control. The caravan will now be vulnerable to many threats and will have an armor and wheel management system, attributes that will wear out along the way. Now it’s more important than ever to plan your routes and choose them carefully.

The long-awaited pets have also arrived! There are a total of 10 pets to unlock, and each will provide unique effects on Expeditions. These adorable stubby companions will shed a glimpse of light into a world filled with darkness. Additionally, a long list of gameplay changes, balance tweaks, and quality of life improvements have been added in this update, as well as community-requested additions: The Valley reconfiguration, of the “Encono” feature and creation of Sail of Hope is more forgiving, especially for new players. You can check out the colossal patch notes here.

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Darkest Dungeon II It will release from its Early Access version on May 8 this year, and you can play it on Steam and the Epic Games Store. The full game will contain a dozen playable heroes with their respective background chapters, five regions, five final bosses, and a metagame system (Altar of Hope) with a wide range of permanent upgrades.

Darkest Dungeon II It launched in Early Access via the Epic Games Store in October 2021 and has since received a steady cadence of content updates. The sequel to the award-winning Darkest Dungeon expands on its concept with stunning 3D art and a course system that streamlines the experience without sacrificing the complexity of its other systems. The “Redemption Road” update is the last content update the game will receive before jumping to version 1.0 when it launches in May.

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