An internet post has sparked speculation that Gears of War 6 will bring back to writer of Gears of War 2.

Gears 6 will be the latest effort from The Coalition, which has been tasked with running the Gears of War franchise since Microsoft bought the IP from former developer Epic Games.

The franchise’s previous game, Gears 5, was hailed as the most comprehensive Gears of War story to date. The game sold well, so it’s surprising that the series took a bit of a break, with only later support for Gears 5 around this time.

There has also been no sign of the “Gears Ultimate Collection,” which could bring the original trilogy to modern hardware.

This rumor comes straight from Gears of War 2 writer Joshua Ortega, who hinted at his return on his personal Twitter account. In the thread, Ortega continued to respond to people speculating about a Gears of War return, adding fuel to the social media fire.

This could be a big step for the franchise, which over the years has lost many of the talents that made the original games great. Faces like Cliff Bleszinski and Rod Fergusson have moved on, and bringing Ortega back could go a long way to improving future installments. It should be noted that Bleszinki offered to return to the Gears of War franchise, although that offer went unanswered.

I have been working as a journalist for Debate Media since 2020, I use the platform to communicate my interest in video games, cinema and technology, seeking to convey information in a clear and playful way. I have a particular taste for shooters, not to mention indie games and anything with a motor and four wheels (or two).

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