Focus Entertainment and developer Mundfish have released a live action atomic heart trailer that blatantly pokes fun at Hogwarts Legacy. In the two-minute spot titled “The Atomic Way,” actor Jensen Ackles, who stars in Supernatural and The Boys season 2, comforts a girl who can’t cast spells on a doll.

Watch Jensen Ackles Pulverize Robotic Dolls In New Atomic Heart Trailer

In the first thirty seconds of the new trailer, a girl wearing a pointed wizard’s hat and wielding a wand begins to spin as she tries to cast a spell on a gray doll with a very sad face. If the joke wasn’t clear enough, recite fictitious spell incantations with the words “belyash” and “vatrushka”, which refer to two Russian cakes.

However, when her fate doesn’t go as planned, Jensen Ackles is there to show her how to survive the robot apocalypse: ridiculous violence. The trailer shows Ackles hitting a mannequin with an oversized gun and firing a bolt of lightning from the device in his hand, which I suspect could be some kind of tech-based magic.

As of this writing, the trailer on Twitter has been viewed over a million times. Fans react to the trailer. say that they wouldn’t mind seeing a live-action version of Ackles destroying robots in the apocalypse. Me neither, really.

Atomic Heart went gold a month before launch and will run in dynamic 4K at 60fps on PS5. It will launch on February 21 on PS4 and PS5.

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