The players of Apex Legendsthey will receive big and significant changes to the game, and one of the biggest changes is the addition of a brand new game mode to Battle Royale.

This is Team Deathmatch from other FPS games finally coming to Apex Legends, so you can practice gunfights or just hang out with your friends in a mode that has a bit more action per minute compared to to standard BR mode.

But, despite being a 6v6 mode, it doesn’t actually allow players to team up with 5 friends, rather each team of 6 is made up of two teams of 3. So just like BR, you can only team up with 2 friends.

This split the player base into camps that support and oppose the decision, and now in a Reddit thread on February 11, players have started debating the topic: “On the one hand, being with randos in pubs and facing a stack of 6 it would be crap. On the other hand, it’s a shame you can’t group up for voice chat and casual gaming with 5 friends,” said one player summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

A large group of Apex players understand how this could cause issues from a balance standpoint: “If they allow all 6 players to queue together, you’ll hear all the complaints about stacking 6 people and how it’s no longer fun, for which it is certainly better that way,” notes another user.

But on the other side of the argument, we have people who just want to play with a larger group of friends and are disappointed: “Not having options to play Apex with more than one group of 3 is one of the main reasons I’ve been spending time playing OW2 lately.”

Opinions endorsing the decision to keep prefabs with a 3-player max seem to get a lot more upvotes and likes on Reddit and Twitter. But the minority of gamers who just want to play with more than 2 of their friends at once is by no means a “small” side of this argument.

Now all that remains is to see the final reaction from players since Season 16 kicks off next Tuesday, February 14.

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