playground games announced the latest expansion for Forza Horizon 5Adventure RallyThe announcement comes almost a month after the JDM update for Forza Horizon 5, which saw the addition of new cars like the Nissan Z, Toyota Sports 800 and many more.

However, this new update will be a much bigger expansion for fans. The Forza Horizon franchise has become one of the most popular open-world racing titles, not least because of how games often incorporate visually stunning environments into their racing mechanics.

Even though the series has passed a decade in existence, the developers have continued to deliver numerous content updates and quality of life changes after launch, ranging from new cars and cosmetics to ray tracing in Forza Horizon 5. .

Now, its latest “Rally Adventure” expansion is another intriguing addition for fans of the franchise. Forza Horizon 5 – Rally Adventure is the title’s second expansion and will focus on Sierra Nueva, “home to the dustiest and dirtiest races” in gaming, the company has announced.

Players will have the option of going through three teams, each offering a variety of off-road events, street rallies and tarmac rallies. Each of these teams will feature eight races leading up to the final event, and players who manage to top all three teams will unlock a special “Goliath Road”.

The new expansion is slated for release on March 29 and will come bundled with the current Forza Horizon 5 Premium add-on pack.

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