The Monkey Paw is a unique item that appears in Phasmophobia. It’s one of the cursed silver possessions you can find while exploring the game, and there are several wishes you can use while holding this item. Monkey’s Paw doesn’t have unlimited wishes, but it does have a different number of commands you can give as you play. This guide covers all the Monkey Paw Wishes you can use while playing Phasmophobia.

All Monkey Paw Wishes You Can Use In Phasmophobia

These commands have a similar start every time you want to use them. You have to say “Wish” at the start of the command, then you have to say something specific after you do that. This should net you various rewards, but there are consequences to using these wishes. It doesn’t hurt to experiment with Monkey’s Paw to see if you want to use it in future games.

Related: How does Monkey Paw work in Phasmophobia?

These are all the wishes you can make while holding the monkey’s paw. You will need a microphone for voice commands to work.

  • I wish for a clear sky – clear the sky
  • I want activity: the ghost is acting somewhere in the investigation.
  • Wish Anything – A random wish granted to you and your party
  • Foggy Wish: makes the weather get foggy
  • Wish for Knowledge: Gives you clues about the type of ghost you are investigating.
  • I wish for life – Revive a teammate, but you die
  • Wish for rain: pass the time to rain
  • Wish Sanity: levels your sanity (players think this puts you at 50%)
  • Wish for Snow: Makes the time pass the snow.
  • I Wish It Dawn: Change the weather at dawn
  • I wish the ghost was trapped: This wish closes the front door of the house or building you are investigating.
  • Wish I was safe – I’m still updating but players think it creates a hiding place in the room you’re standing in
  • I Wish To Go: Opens the door and allows exit during a ghost hunt.
  • I wish to see the ghost: the ghost appears in front of you.


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