Thunder for Tango Gameworks. After thirteen long years at the head of the studio he founded himself, Shinji Mikami will soon be leaving the ship.

This is news that we really did not see coming. Last month, Tango Gameworks makes a sensational return to the news with the surprise release of Hi-Fi RUSH, a new title that has really won over players. Unfortunately, this success is now followed by some very sad news as in an email sent to all Bethesda employees, We have just learned of the imminent departure of an emblematic figure of the studio.

¡ Shinji Mikami already Tango Gameworks!

“I am writing to you today to inform you that Studio Head Shinji Mikami has decided to leave Tango Gameworks in the coming months.” indeed reveals Todd Vaughn, vice president of the company (via TrueAchievements). It is therefore a huge loss for the company, which sees not only its CEO but also its founder jump ship after thirteen long years of good and loyal service.

Mostly known for being one of the creators of Resident Evil at Capcom, Mikami also excelled in many other popular franchises during his career. At Tango Gameworks, in particular, it spawned The Evil Withinthe sequel of which he also oversaw, although largely contributed to the creation of new projects such as Ghostwire: Tokyo a hi-fi rush.

And after ?

It remains to be seen what the creator has in store for us in the future. Will Noah finally fulfill his desire to make one last game, which is a project he’s had in mind for many years, or will he slowly but surely retreat into the shadows to make way for new new talent, as he might have suggested? on several occasions? The future will tell. Waiting, We can only wish you the best for your future projects..

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