A popular data miner from MultiVersus said the time traveling warrior samurai jack It will soon be part of the catalog.

As one of the most fan-requested fighters, MultiVersus players are cautiously optimistic about the veracity of the rumor.

Initially, Player First Games seemed to hit the nail on the head with the release of MultiVersus in August 2022. The platform fighting game was a hit, with some predicting it could rival Super Smash Bros. as the best game of its kind.

With an endearing and eclectic roster of fighters, solid visual and sound design, and finely tuned gameplay, fans were thrilled to finally have a premium platformer fighting game that existed outside of the Nintendo ecosystem.

Unfortunately, between seasonal delays, the lack of early content, and the unstable nature of the games-as-a-service model, MultiVersus’ concurrent player base has dwindled significantly.

Now, a video uploaded to YouTube by PapaGenos indicates with some certainty that Samurai Jack is an expected addition to the MultiVersus catalog. The video talks extensively about the delay of MultiVersus Season 3 and criticizes the pacing and quality of new content being added to the game.

Between skin versions that have been removed from the game and speculation about upcoming game modes and other additions, PapaGenos talks about what he predicts will be the next fighters to be added to the game.

It looks like Batman’s nemesis Joker will be next, with Pickle Rick coming soon after. The icing on the cake for this leak covered by PapaGenos was the upcoming addition of Samurai Jack, whose codename they claim is C026 in the extracted character files.

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