Can’t find the solution to the current Wordle? You know the word starts with “A” and ends with “L”, but you have no other clues. You can’t think of words with those letters in those positions, but the word isn’t something obscure or hidden. If you had a wordlist that only contained words that met these criteria, you could solve the puzzle without ruining your sequence.

It’s not the longest list, but it does take some detective work. There are also a few tips to help you get the most out of your remaining attempts.

Which five-letter words start with A and end with L?

There are ten common five-letter words that start with “A” and end with “L”, and they are:

  • Boiling
  • Accelerate
  • Angel
  • Cancel
  • Anvil
  • frighten
  • Atoll
  • Auditory
  • To profit from
  • Horrible

You have ten words and six guesses, and grabbing them all won’t be a smart strategy. Use the following tips to reduce it.

  • Try to find common letters in words that you can eliminate. For example, “Angel” has a common “N” for several words. If “N” turns out to be incorrect and not in the word, you can delete all the words that have the letter and reduce your list.
  • Don’t be afraid to try duplicate letters. Although the list is small, a good portion of the list contains duplicate letters, such as “Available” with two “A’s”. Eliminating them will be difficult, and you don’t want to eliminate your possibilities until you’ve confirmed them.
  • Use your first five attempts to narrow down possible clues. The last attempt should be reserved for the word you are absolutely sure of. Removing other words should be easy and you won’t end up with too many words (or just one). From there, you can easily find the word of the day and continue your streak.

This might be harder than most, but it shouldn’t be difficult as long as you have six tries. Getting the Wordle today with the tips above will help you get the most out of your efforts.


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