The actor Rafael Amaya, star of the Telemundo series “El Señor de los Cielos”, surprised his followers by sharing an image on his official Instagram account, for the first time in about 3 years.
As it is recalled, the Mexican actor was away from the spotlight and the media eye after speaking about his drug and alcohol rehabilitation process. Now, he reappeared and caused great joy to his fans.
In the snapshot shared on his official Instagram profile, Rafael Amaya appears surrounded by his work team, including his manager, Karem Guedimin, who was a fundamental piece in his recovery.
“Heavy artillery”, The 43-year-old interpreter wrote next to the snapshot, the same one that has obtained more than 100,000 ‘likes’ and hundreds of comments with positive messages since its publication.
“The Lord of the Skies returned”, “We were all waiting for your return”, “The king is back”, “You finally uploaded something, you were already missed” and “The boss returned”, are some of the comments of his unconditional followers.
As it is recalled, the last time that Rafael Amaya appeared on social networks was in April 2018, when he shared a preview of the season of “The Lord of the Skies” that was going to premiere at that time.