Bitcoin Dollar Price Today

Tuesday 2021/05/18 10:18. The price of Bitcoin is equal to 43,657.90 Dollars per coin. Today’s range: 47642 – 50710. The previous day closed: 49888. The variation was -1959, -3.93%.

DOWN 43,657.90

Bitcoin forecast: tomorrow, week, month.

Date Day Min Max Price
05/17 Monday 46566 53576 50071
05/18 Tuesday 46748 53786 50267
05/19 Wednesday 40781 46920 43850
05/20 Thursday 41425 47661 44543
05/21 Friday 39701 45677 42689
05/24 Monday 39264 45174 42219
05/25 Tuesday 40338 46410 43374
05/26 Wednesday 41003 47175 44089
05/27 Thursday 40249 46309 43279
05/28 Friday 43464 50008 46736
05/31 Monday 40461 46551 43506
06/1 Tuesday 40871 47023 43947
2/06 Wednesday 40009 46031 43020
06/03 Thursday 40067 46099 43083
06/04 Friday 43190 49692 46441
06/07 Monday 42160 48506 45333
06/08 Tuesday 42020 48346 45183
06/9 Wednesday 42806 49250 46028
06/10 Thursday 47112 54204 50658
06/11 Friday 46173 53123 49648
06/14 Monday 45220 52028 48624
06/15 Tuesday 44749 51485 48117
06/16 Wednesday 43015 49491 46253
06/17 Thursday 40963 47129 44046

Bitcoin Stock Forecast for Monday, May 17: price 50071, maximum 53576, minimum 46566. Bitcoin forecast for Tuesday, May 18: price 50267, maximum 53786, minimum 46748. Bitcoin forecast for Wednesday, May 19: price 43850, high 46920, low 40781. Bitcoin forecast for Thursday May 20: price 44543, high 47661, low 41425. Bitcoin forecast for Friday May 21: price 42689, high 45677, low 39701.

In 1 week. Bitcoin Stock Forecast for Monday, May 24: price 42219, maximum 45174, minimum 39264. Bitcoin forecast for Tuesday, May 25: price 43374, maximum 46410, minimum 40338. Bitcoin forecast for Wednesday, May 26: price 44089, maximum 47175, low 41003. Bitcoin forecast for Thursday May 27: price 43279, high 46309, low 40249. Bitcoin forecast for Friday 28 May: price 46736, high 50008, low 43464.

In 2 weeks. Bitcoin Stock Forecast for Monday May 31: price 43506, maximum 46551, minimum 40461. Bitcoin forecast for Tuesday June 1: price 43947, maximum 47023, minimum 40871. Bitcoin forecast for Wednesday June 2: price 43020, high 46031, low 40009. Bitcoin forecast for Thursday June 3: price 43083, high 46099, low 40067. Bitcoin forecast for Friday June 4: price 46441, high 49692, low 43190.

In 3 weeks. Bitcoin Stock Forecast for Monday June 7: price 45333, maximum 48506, minimum 42160. Bitcoin forecast for Tuesday June 8: price 45183, maximum 48346, minimum 42020. Bitcoin forecast for Wednesday June 9: price 46028, maximum 49250, low 42806. Bitcoin forecast for Thursday June 10: price 50658, high 54204, low 47112. Bitcoin forecast for Friday June 11: price 49648, high 53123, low 46173.

In 4 weeks. Bitcoin Stock Forecast for Monday June 14: price 48624, maximum 52028, minimum 45220. Bitcoin forecast for Tuesday June 15: price 48117, maximum 51485, minimum 44749.

Bitcoin Forecast 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025

Month Start Min-Max Final Total,%
may 57758 39264-59522 43506 -25%
Jun 43506 35287-54204 37943 -3. 4%
Jul 37943 34666-39884 37275 -35%
Aug 37275 37275-46266 43239 -25%
Sep 43239 43239-53668 50157 -13%
Oct 50157 50157-60200 56262 -3%
Nov 56262 56262-69832 65264 13%
Dec 65264 65264-81005 75706 31%
Jan 75706 75706-93966 87819 52%
Feb 87819 74752-87819 80378 39%
sea 80378 77916-89646 83781 Four. Five%
Apr 83781 83781-103989 97186 68%
may 97186 87369-100521 93945 63%
Jun 93945 93945-109979 102784 78%
Jul 102784 102784-127575 119229 106%
Aug 119229 93141-119229 100152 73%
Sep 100152 85096-100152 91501 58%
Oct 91501 91501-113571 106141 84%
Nov 106141 94346-108548 101447 76%
Dec 101447 79250-101447 85215 48%
Jan 85215 85215-100443 93872 63%
Feb 93872 75420-93872 81097 40%
sea 81097 71960-82792 77376 3. 4%
Apr 77376 67418-77568 72493 26%
may 72493 72493-89978 84092 46%


Month Start Min-Max Final Total,%
Continuation 2023
Jun 84092 84092-104375 97547 69%
Jul 97547 97497-112175 104836 82%
Aug 104836 104836-125037 116857 102%
Sep 116857 99461-116857 106947 85%
Oct 106947 92899-106947 99891 73%
Nov 99891 78034-99891 83908 Four. Five%
Dec 83908 74724-85972 80348 39%
Jan 80348 70435-81039 75737 31%
Feb 75737 63986-75737 68802 19%
sea 68802 68802-85397 79810 38%
Apr 79810 63179-79810 67934 18%
may 67934 53070-67934 57065 -1%
Jun 57065 57065-70829 66195 fifteen%
Jul 66195 51712-66195 55604 -4%
Aug 55604 52731-60669 56700 -two%
Sep 56700 44294-56700 47628 -18%
Oct 47628 47628-59115 55248 -4%
Nov 55248 55248-68574 64088 eleven%
Dec 64088 64088-79546 74342 29%
Jan 74342 63991-74342 68808 19%
Feb 68808 68808-85404 79817 38%
sea 79817 79817-99069 92588 60%
Apr 92588 92588-109415 102257 77%
may 102257 102257-126921 118618 105%
Jun 118618 118618-147229 137597 138%

Of the Bitcoin forecast for May of 2021 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 57758. The maximum is 59522, the minimum is 39264. The average rate forecast is 50013. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 43506, -24.7%.

Bitcoin forecast for June of 2021 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 43506. The maximum is 54204, the minimum is 35287. The average rate forecast is 42735. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 37943, -12.8%.

Forecasts for the Bitcoin in July of 2021 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 37943. The maximum is 39884, the minimum is 34666. The average rate forecast is 37442. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 37275, -1.8%.

Bitcoin forecast for August of 2021 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 37275. The maximum is 46266, the minimum is 37275. The average rate forecast is 41014. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 43239, 16.0%.

Forecasts for the Bitcoin September of 2021 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 43239. The maximum is 53668, the minimum is 43239. The average rate forecast is 47576. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 50157, 16.0%.

Bitcoin forecast for October of 2021 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 50157. The maximum is 60200, the minimum is 50157. The average rate forecast is 54194. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 56262, 12.2%.

Forecasts for the Bitcoin November of 2021 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 56262. The maximum is 69832, the minimum is 56262. The average rate forecast is 61905. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 65264, 16.0%.

Bitcoin forecast for December of 2021 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 65264. The maximum is 81005, the minimum is 65264. The average rate forecast is 71810. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 75706, 16.0%.

Bitcoin for the forecast of January of 2022 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 75706. The maximum is 93966, the minimum is 75706. The average rate forecast is 83299. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 87819, 16.0%.

Bitcoin forecast for February of 2022 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 87819. The maximum is 87819, the minimum is 74752. The average rate forecast is 82692. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 80378, -8.5%.

Bitcoin Stock Forecast for March of 2022 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 80378. The maximum is 89646, the minimum is 77916. The average rate forecast is 82930. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 83781, 4.2%.

Bitcoin Stock Forecast for April of 2022 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 83781. The maximum is 103989, the minimum is 83781. The average rate forecast is 92184. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 97186, 16.0%.

Bitcoin Stock Forecast for May of 2022 . The price rate for the beginning of the month is 97186. The maximum is 100521, the minimum is 87369. The average rate forecast is 94755. The Bitcoin forecast for the end of the month is 93,945, -3.3%.

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