There were to be 100,000 by the end of 2021. This forecast was perhaps a little too ambitious. Nevertheless, 60,040 charging points for electric vehicles are already installed in France. This means 6,300 additional points since the start of the year. The momentum is there and even if there are still black spots, this deployment of charging stations supports sales of electric cars and makes it possible to maintain a level of 105 charging points for 1,000 electric vehicles.
While some condominiums are sometimes reluctant to respond to requests from motorists wishing to switch to electric, the effects of the strengthening of the right to plug are beginning to be felt. Jérôme Princet, the general manager of Bornes Solutions, notes a 300% increase in requests in 2022! He notes a clear evolution in recent months: “In 2021, we had requests but many people were in a phase of information, of reflection”. From now on, the hearths decide more quickly to be equipped.
200 million additional euros
100% electric represented, for example, 13.5% of new car sales in March 2022, now almost at the same level as diesel. According to Jérôme Princet, installing a collective charging infrastructure is becoming almost as natural as installing optical fiber in buildings.